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The Value of Free Information

Submitted by donna on 17 May, 2007 - 13:48

Smart Company

yay - smartcompany has seen the light - and done away with the subscription model for their content - this is thanks to sponsors and advertisers - so it does come at a cost - and employing people to write content, and maintain infrastructure comes at a price...

but I believe the value of smartcompany's product just got higher because more people can read it - more people can forward it on, and the network effect means the news will travel further.

As an online magazine focussed on the needs of entrepreneurs and small to medium enterprises it has some good stuff...

Anyone running a small business, and that's many of  us in the Open Source Industry in Australia, should find something of interest on the smartcompany site...

And now that it's free to read - I'm happier about spreading the word.