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Blogs Impress Templates

Submitted by donna on 15 July, 2007 - 12:41

Screenshot of Spiral template in

Fooling around with Inkscape, it dawned on me I should do something productive with my random drawings, so I turned them into Impress presentation backgrounds.

This is halfway through an earth, water, air, fire set. Earth - is represented by brown spirals - semi-inpsired by the triple spiral at New Grange in Ireland. Water - represented by blue bubbles. Seemed the natural thing to do with Spheres, clones and gradients.

Automagic Backups

Submitted by cafuego on 30 May, 2007 - 18:51

With hard disks getting larger by the month, keeping all your data backed up can be tricky. Raid will give you reliability, but no possibility of taking your data off-site, and tape drives are expensive.

I found myself needing to keep backups of an 80GB raid array for a small office server, and recalled an article I had read a few months ago in Linux Journal. The article details how you can keep snapshot backups of thumb drives on your harddisk... and that made me think doing the reverse should be workable too.

Keeping documents accessible

Submitted by cafuego on 20 May, 2007 - 13:39

As we were going through our web server logs this morning, looking for 404 - page not found errors, it turns out quite a few people have linked to documents in the /osia and /osv directories on our old website. Impress icon These directories don't live in the same location on our new website. To keep things tidy we moved them into a directory called /files. So when we switched over, all those links were broken. Of course we can copy the documents back to where they were, but there is something to be said for keeping the web site tidy.

Luckily, apache has a module called mod_rewrite, which allows the web master to use regular expression matching on any web request and modify the request as they see fit.


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